Monday, February 25, 2008

Attention All Stations ...

This is the call we hear from the Marine Guards alerting us to activity around the valley that we should avoid; burning tires, brick throwing or demonstrators just blocking traffic. The calls are coming more often. Political unrest in the Terai has meant little fuel and food for the rest of the country, particularly the capital. We are not using our generators during the day anymore in order to conserve fuel. In a very, very small way living without electricity for blocks of time makes us feel like we are identifying with the sufferings of the Nepalis. But it doesn't remotely begin to compare. Even to say so seems ludicrous. It appears that the agitating groups have opted out of the upcoming - desperately needed - elections. Law and order are disintegrating and we don't really know how it will play out. We are ready to evacuate but hope we don't have to.

Yet today, under a glorious sky, a dozen children with their mothers and didis played in a manicured garden, oblivious to what is going on beyond the compound walls. As it should be.

Peace, Laurel

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